Tuesday, January 25, 2011

iphone stock adding commodities

Essentially, to add Gold, Silver, or foreign currency to the Stock app on the iPhone you need to put it in the right format.

For example:
To add a new item for Gold in USD, add the following as the stock symbol...

XAU is the symbol for Gold, USD is the symbol for USD.

Others I use are:

Silver - XAGUSD=X
Canadian in USD - CANUSD=X
Euro in USD - EURUSD=X

Also, they can be used in reverse to see the value the other way.

USD in Canadian - USDCAN=x
USD in Euro - USDEUR=x

Hope this helps.


Message was edited by: dvandetta

If you are looking for a ticker symbol representing light sweet crude oil futures, the most frequently quoted per barrel price of oil, use CLJ08.NYM which represents the current contract on the New York Mercantile Exchange for delivery of light sweet crude in April of this year.

You knew this would not be simple, right? CL represents the commodity, 08 the current year, and the J embedded in it represents April. If you want other delivery months, you should instead use the form CLx08.NYM where the x character is replaced by the following representation for a given month:

F - January
G - February
H - March
J - April
K -May
M - June
N - July
Q - August
U - September
V - October
X - November
Z - December
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